
Welcome to Oblitus Jewellery. The launch was almost a month ago now and I have been so grateful for all of the reactions that I have received on the new branding, the new products and everything I have put out there for you all.

Following the launch, I ran a giveaway over on the Instagram page for the Bound Ear Cuff & Stud (you can find this on the shop page) and was overwhelmed with the entries. It has been so great hearing different peoples favourite products and how they feel about the new style of jewellery.

If you are new here, have a look around the website! You can find information about the brand and about myself on the Our Story page.

It was amazing to finally launch and show you all what I have been working on but there is plenty more to come! I have loads of new products in the pipeline that I can’t wait to get on here and share with you, I am always trying to find alternative ways to package my products so that they are as environmentally friendly as possible, Oblitus Jewellery is featuring in a Virtual Christmas Gift Guide soon which I will share on my social media accounts (keep your eyes peeled for that) and there is a couple more packaging and branding bits that I am working on and very excited to get the ball rolling on that.

The best way to keep up to date with everything is to join the newsletter. Or alternatively follow my social media accounts, specifically Instagram as I am always posting on there!

Thanks for reading!

Kate x


2022 to 2023