Behind The Scenes

One of the core values here at Oblitus Jewellery is transparency. I try to be as open and honest about my products, processes, values and all that happens behind the scenes. Although I have a page about our story where you can read a bit about myself, my journey to get here and a slither of why I make jewellery I wanted to delve a bit deeper.



Let’s start simple. I am Kate Dewdney, I grew up in West Sussex in a lovely little village close to Brighton. I went to university in Epsom to study Fashion Photography and after about 2 months I realised that it was not my calling. My tutor asked me what the first section of a shop I would go to was and I said Jewellery. So, I went home and signed up for some evening classes in metalwork and jewellery and that was that, I knew my path. I went back to university to study Silversmithing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery and this time I graduated. I continued my style of jewellery after university for years until realising that it wasn’t aligning with what I wanted anymore so in October 2022 Oblitus Jewellery was born.



I have always worn a lot of jewellery - all very heavy, large silver pieces. It’s like putting on armour in the morning. I wanted to make jewellery that I would wear myself, that is durable and can withstand day to day life, and can encourage that same feeling I have of armour for others. I wanted to make jewellery that is empowering and just makes you feel really good, you know?

Chains. there is a heavy theme of chain in the Oblitus products. I love the process of making chain and I love chains being worn as the main piece as opposed to something to just hold a pendant (don’t get me wrong, this is also helpful).

There are a lot of chains out there that are fashion jewellery, not necessarily made to last - again, this is fine if that is what you want however I personally invest in good quality jewellery, I want to buy jewellery knowing that it is going to last me forever so I wanted to make jewellery that is going to do just that! We all know sometimes things brake, accidents happen or your jewellery gets tarnished so I also offer a free cleaning and repairs service to maintain your Oblitus jewellery.

Another super important thing to me is to make UNISEX jewellery. I do not think that any jewellery should gendered, its a societal thing right? Because what can possibly make a chain feminine or masculine I don’t know?! Wear whatever jewellery you damn well want.



So what’s next? A whole load more products!! I have a plethora of ideas and designs for new products which I can not wait to get out there for you all! There will be at least two new collections in 2023 so for inside information on launch dates and whats to come, be sure to sign up for emails.

I am hoping to get some photoshoots done this year, I am really really passionate about creating a space for a super inclusive and diverse community as we all should be, but yeah I need to get the ball rolling on this one.


That’s all for now, if you have any questions or queries please do contact me! I’d love to hear from you.

Kate x


Handmade Jewellery


2022 to 2023